Friday, March 7, 2014

New Truth, New Hope, New Life

I've experienced many changes in my life, but my greatest transformation happened a few years ago when I gave control of my life to Jesus, allowing true peace, hope and joy through any circumstance.

My mind has been renewed, my heart has been inspired and I have been created new! 

Old Thought – New Truth
Religion - Relationship with Jesus
Earned – Free Gift
Guilt –Righteousness
Fear – Perfect, Unconditional Love
Condemnation - Salvation

Years of thinking I had to follow a religion with set rules, rituals and ceremonies caused me to stray away from my church. I didn’t agree with some of the rules or understand a lot of the ceremonial teachings. The meaning of being a Christian became lost to me until everything was simplified. All I have to focus on is my relationship with God and His son, Jesus Christ. Accepting Him into my heart, getting to know Him personally and focusing on the truths in His word, the bible, stirred up a childlike and hungry faith. 

I felt more peaceful understanding I didn’t have to earn God’s love through my actions. Trying to earn my good standings with God by doing all that was “right” became overwhelming for me. His love and grace are not earned, but a free gift

By grace, through faith I am saved! My debt has already been paid by Jesus’ blood on the cross. No more chains of guilt, my sins have been washed clean with righteousness and I have a fresh start.
I don’t have to fear failing God.  He is always by my side offering me his perfect, unconditional love and eternal life.  “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Thinking I’m not good enough or bowing my head in shame for my mistakes and feeling condemnation is now replaced with forgiveness and salvation. With repentance and daily communication,  through prayer, worship and bible study, the Holy Spirit is my guidance leading me to a better life glorifying God.  “For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him. “ John 3:17

It is amazing what renewing our minds can do.  Once I started really believing in these new truths, my renewal became evident not only to me, but to others. A sense of peace replaced my anxious and worried thoughts, even throughout deep struggles. I have a powerful strength inside of me credited only to God.  My reactions to situations are filled with more love and patience knowing God is taking care of everything. When I surrendered my life to Jesus, he was planted as a seed in my heart. The more I am filled with His truths, the more I grow and change for people to see Him through me creating a miraculous metamorphosis.  Through the work of the Holy Spirit, I have been made a new creation in Christ, which I am infinitely grateful.  I have faith that my life now and forever will be completely fulfilled in Christ alone.